Sunday, July 19, 2015

Ladder Safety Management Tips for Workers

Ladders are important fallprotection equipments. These are widely used in our home and many other work places. You may need a ladder whether you want to hang some lights for a festival or you are painting your home. Remember it is always a great risk to work on elevated areas; you may fall down and get some serious injury. Even a Step Ladder can be dangerous if common sense is not used. Ladders are an essential piece of equipment for some many places and so many uses like: at home, changing light bulbs, cleaning gutters, painting, the trade’s person - from electricians to carpenters to painters.

Major accidents occur from incorrect use of the ladder or materials. Before you begin a project make sure that you have gone through safety preparations and are familiar with the tools to be used. Once you have decided that you need to use a ladder to complete your project, make sure that you have the right type of ladder. There are many types of ladders all with their own advantages and disadvantages, which may include weight and height limits. The major ladder safety tips are as follows:

1.       Make sure your ladder is steady. Place the ladder on a surface that is strong and level; also make sure that the ladder is not on top of any slippery materials.

2.       If using a straight or extension ladder, make sure that the top of the ladder is resting against a straight and solid surface.

3.       Do not carry heavy items while climbing the ladder, use some type of hoist or pulley system to retrieve the items instead.

4.       Non-skid shoes are also required. No matter what the ladder will be made from, the shoes should not easily slip from the ladder steps and cause you to encounter an accident.

5.       Balance can be applied in both the worker and the ladder's positioning. For the person who is going up or down the ladder, he or she needs to remain in the middle and evenly distributing the body weight throughout the structure.

6.       Avoid heavy traffic beneath the ladder.

7.       Also, to ensure that you are most comfortable and at the safest position when you ascend or descend the ladder, you need to free your hands from carrying tools or other equipment. When there is equipment that needs to be carried on a higher level in your work area, use pulleys or related methods.

8.       Make sure the Ladder is not to steep or shallow.

These are some ladder safety tips which will help you to minimize the accidents.