Saturday, November 21, 2015

Ladder Safety Tips at Workplaces

Ladder is the major tool used in construction industry. Falling from ladders are the leading cause of work-related injuries. Because of these surveys, OSHA has mandated training for anyone who works off the ground. Using ladders with proper precaution are the major part of fall prevention and the proper safety steps when working with ladders are imperative to a safe workplace. After all, not following safety rules and regulations not only puts the employee at risk for injury but it also puts the company at risk for fines from OSHA. The following information could be shared with employees at your company so productive goes up and injuries go down. Hence it is necessary for all workers and people associated with construction work to take ladder safety precautions before starting working with ladder.

Ladders are also used in several industries. These are large, heavy, and potentially dangerous. Once employees operating lifts are properly trained, they should not fear the equipment but they should respect it. For many companies, ladders are essential to run business, allowing employees to reach places where ladders cannot go. Before starting work, the most important thing is its inspection. Always think about safety and the safest way to accomplish the task at hand. Carefully check steps of ladders. Avoid using any liquid like oil, cream etc. Make sure the base of the ladder is balanced and secure and then inspect the rungs for debris or liquid. There should be a right angle between the ladder and the wall. Never use a ladder if you are overly tired, injured or under the influence of drugs or alcohol. If you have any reservations about the climb - don't do it. Ladders always need to be parked on an even surface. That way, employees would have a flat and stable surface from which to work without worrying about slanting or even materials or supplies slipping.

In several industries, extension ladders are used. If you use an extension, folding, or telescoping the locks should be checked carefully. A few simple decisions will allow employees to get the job done efficiently but also safely. When climbing down a ladder the same three point climb applies. Balance is even more important on the decent. Make sure that you climb down one rung at a time and make sure that your foot is securely on the rung before moving the other foot. Don't be one of the deaths or disabilities that result from workplace falls every year. Follow these safety ladders tips and you would be successful man at your workplace.

Ladder Safety Tips at Construction Sites

Ladders are essential part of height works, mostly used at construction sites. Several accidents occur due to falling from ladders. Hence it is essential to remember ladder safety tips during height work. These are also used in houses for home improvement works. The injuries that people sustain from ladder falls are often serious. Before starting work, it is also essential to give proper ladder training to your workers associated with this work. In order to help improve safety standards for ladder users, it is important to know what the main causes of falls from ladders are. Remember it is always a great risk to work on elevated areas; you may fall down and get some serious injury. So be careful about safety tips while working on ladder. You can minimize the risk of any breakage by simply balancing your posture and maintaining the ladder you are using. However there are some descriptions as well as some important points that may help you in a better way to get rid of this problem.

The first thing you have to follow is inspection of the ladder. Make sure that it is free from any type of liquid. This liquid may be some oil or water spill. However, make sure to minimize the risk of any slippage and serious injury afterward. Place it on plain surface making right angle with the wall. If the ladder is not positioned correctly then it may slip and you may fall down. Moreover, if you are using portable ladder then it may fold beneath you. The ladder base should about one quarter of the height of ladder away from base of wall i.e. twelve foot ladder should be three feet away from wall. If the ladder base distance is any less than one quarter away from wall, the risk of the ladder falling backwards increases. Remember, not to use bricks, boxes, etc. to raise the height of ladders to make them gorilla ladder. Keep your body centered 'between the rails' of your little giant ladder. Wear shoes with 'non-skid soles'. Do not wear 'leather-soled' shoes; they can be slippery. Don't use ladders in passageways, doorways, driveways or other locations where a person or vehicle can hit it. Set up suitable barriers or lock doors shut. Avoid pushing or pulling stepladders from the side. Repeated sideways movement can make ladders wobbly since they are weaker or less stable in those directions. These are some important tips that can help when you work with ladders.