Saturday, December 19, 2015

How Access Ladder Safely at Workplace?

Ladder is the most important equipment and most used tools at construction sites. These are not only used at construction sites but also used at several works like warehouse, tree lopping, window cleaning and many other works. These are also used even at homes. Ladders are necessary whether you want to hang some lights for a festival or you are painting your home. These are available in different shapes, sizes and of different materials. Ladders are made up from aluminum, wood or fiberglass and come in five duty ratings. Aluminum ladders are great for exposure to certain chemicals. Since it is used in several works hence major accidents occur due to it. Hence, Precaution should be taken before starting a project and during work. The major safety ladders tips when you use a ladder are as follows:
  1. The first important thing is to inspect the ladder carefully before placing the first step on it. Its inspection is very important. Check the feet of the ladder are clean and are not broken. All locks should be installed properly.
  2. It is important to make sure that the ladder is free from any liquid that may slip you. If any liquid will be on its step, you may sleep during the climbing. Check all steps carefully.
  3. After inspection of ladders, the major step is to make sure that it is correctly positioned. Also make sure that the ground is firm and even, and is not slippery. Always try to make right angle with the wall. If it will not be positioned correctly, you may slip down to fall.
  4. The ground and surface beneath the ladder should be cleaned. Also ensure that there is no person working under or around the ladder. Let other people know that you are working on top.
  5. While climbing up or down on the step ladder, lifting and carrying heavy equipments or items should be avoided otherwise fall may occur.
  6. Keep the body centered to it so the belt buckle is between side hand rails.
  7. Excess weight may be the major causes of accidents hence ensure the weight capacity of the ladder is not exceeded. Try to keep 3 points contact with this equipment that is 2 feet and 1 hand.
  8. Also care about splits, excessive wear, loose or missing rungs, or splinters, and do not use it if any of these conditions is present.
  9. Try to keep it in dry environment but out of direct sunlight.
  10. Do not put any paint on it otherwise you can slip from it.
These are some ladder safety tips which can be useful for you.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Major tips to Prevent Workplace injuries

Workplace injuries are common at construction sites. The construction is the biggest industry where a large number of people are engaged. It gives employments to millions of people. It also helps people by giving livelihood for the millions of construction workers who work day and night in sites around the world. Since construction is the most dangerous industry, yet several people are associated with this work. Hence it is necessary to ensure safety of workers at work place. There are several safety tips which may be useful to prevent workplace injuries. The major safety tips are as follows:
  1. Always check all equipments before using these. Harness inspection is one of them. You should keep eye on everything that may be occurred during the work.
  2. Be alert when you think about safety at work pace. Training is also important for workers. With help of height training, they will learn how to remain safe as well how to use the safety equipments.
  3. Ladders are major equipments that have several uses. These are not only used at construction sites but also useful for small works even at your home. Hence all people have basic ladder safety tips that prevent small injuries. People working at construction sites must have ladder safety training. The ladder training will teach how to use it during working hours. Inspection of ladder is necessary before starting the project. Check it steps. The ladder should be placed on a non slippery surface making right angle with the wall. Do not wear slipper shoes during climbing up on it. Avoid heavy traffic beneath it. Do not place it near door. The metal ladders should be avoided for heavy works. The use of belt is appreciated to store tools when you climb up on the ladders. It should be taller than the area where you want to work. Ensure your hands are free during climbing up.
  4. It is advised you to wear proper protective clothes as well as protective gear before starting the project. Avoid the use of dangerous tools to maintain safe environment. Guard rails, handrails, safety nets should be installed if you work on extreme heights on roof.
  5. Make sure to wear protective gears like safety gloves, helmet, body harnesses. Avoid the use of damaged tools, wires, cables, and other equipment. Remove obstacles from your surroundings. Wear proper shoes to minimize injuries which may be occur to your legs.
These are some safety precautions tips which can help you during working at heights.