Thursday, January 28, 2016

Inspection of Safety Harness Saves Life

Safety harness is one of the major fall protection tools. Safety harnesses can save lives and reduce the risk of serious injury. This equipment is beneficial to a number of occupations, namely construction and other jobs that work high in the air on a regular basis. This protective device has known to save lives and prevent serious injury.
Safety harnesses that are made to prevent you from hurting yourself in a fall come with three different parts: the harness, the lanyard, and the anchor point. There are four classes of harnesses, and the choice will depend on the worker's safety needs. A fall safety harness that falls in the second class involves a chest device that secures to the entire upper body. It is usually used in cases where the worker is going to be lowered into a building or other enclosure and then be removed at a low speed. 
The lanyards used along with a fall safety harness are the ropes that connect the harness to the anchor point. There are several different materials used to create these lanyards. They each offer a different degree of strength and flexibility. First of all, a full body harness should be used as protection equipment whenever there is a risk of falling. But before using this equipment, harness inspection is necessary, whether is perfect or not.
Safety harness will include a flexible lanyard and anchors to secure you to the roof. Lanyards should be no longer than 4ft (1.2m) in order to limit the distance you can fall. Again, you should inspect your lanyard for signs of damage; you do not want to use a lanyard that is frayed, torn, cracked, or otherwise broken. When fitting yourself with a harness, you'll notice adjustable nylon straps that fit around your legs, and straps that go around your shoulders, chest, and back. When adjusting these straps, your harness should be snug, but not so tight as to restrict movement.
Remember, whenever you are working on your roof, safety is of utmost importance. Even a fall of 4 or 5 feet can have serious consequences, even death. Be sure to read the manufacturer's instructions on properly installing your safety harness as there are several different kinds.
If you are going to work on height, it is necessary to have a safety harness. Buying the best fall arrest system is not a guarantee that accidents will not occur since equipment is merely one part of the picture. Getting management and worker involvement is also necessary and the only way to ensure this is to give both parties lectures on height safety and fall safety systems.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Ladder Training & Safety Tips

Ladder is the most important tool while you work on height. Ladders and scaffolding are two of the most risky pieces of equipment on construction sites. Proper fall protection is critical from heights as well as scaffolds or ladders. Having safer equipment helps reduce the risk of injury. Out of date, poorly maintained, or faulty equipment is increasingly rare on modern and professional construction sites.
Most accidents occur from incorrect use of the ladder or materials. Before you begin a project make sure that you have gone through safety preparations and are familiar with the tools to be used.
  1. The first thing towards ladder safety, you need to know is how to use a ladder properly. The proper use of a ladder will depend on the particular ladder that you have.
  2. The most important thing you need to check is the footing of the ladder. It should be placed on a level surface and be stable.
  3. The next thing you need to check before using a ladder is that it's leaning against something that is stable.
  4. Once you have decided that you need to use a ladder to complete your project, make sure that you have the right type of ladder. There are many types of ladders all with their own advantages and disadvantages, which may include weight and height limits.
  5. Place the stepladder at right angles to the work, with either the front or back of the steps facing the work.
  6. To ensure stability, face the stepladder when climbing up or down. Keep your body centered between side rails. You have climbed too high if your knees are above top of the stepladder or if you cannot maintain a handhold on the ladder.
  7. Don't use stepladders on soft ground where one leg may sink farther into the ground than others.
  8. Don't use ladders in passageways, doorways, driveways or other locations where a person or vehicle can hit it. Set up suitable barriers or lock doors shut.
  9. Do not work off the top two steps (top three steps for swing-back/double-sided stepladders) unless you have a safe handhold on the steps.
  10. When climbing up make sure there is nothing to obstruct your climb such as tree limbs, electrical wires, etc.
  11. If you’re climbing up on a wall or roof, for extra stability tie the ladder off on both sides. For example, on a roof you can drive a nail into the shingles on each side and use rope to tie off the ladder so it won't slide either way on you while up working on it. Creating greater stability and safety.
These are some ladder safety tips. If you are new to this industry, you should have proper ladder safety training to avoid serious accidents.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Roof Edge Protection – Prevent Serious Accidents

Roofs are the major part of any house. Hence constructions of roofs are important to prevent falling from the roofs. To prevent fall as well as serious accidents, it is important to install roof edge protection which can provide maximum security to a worker. Installing safety barriers or edge protection is effective for preventing falls. It is the best method for large populations working at heights or where public are allowed into an area.

Roof safety solutions are passive fall arrest system which does not require user awareness. The edges of roofs may be of different materials like wooden edge, stainless steel, iron, aluminum, etc. The edge protection is always a good idea and can save you a broken leg or worse from a fall. Inspecting the roof regularly helps to prevent extensive problems. Once the edges are installed, the water does not fall directly off the edge of the shingle and protects the walls of your house.

Hand rails and guard rails are major roof edge protection systems which are not only installed on roofs but also useful for roads, stair cases, pool and highways. The edge protection made up of stainless steel is best because it requires less maintenance. These are durable as well as its color is natural. Hence when you are going to choose the roof edge protection system, it is essential to care about such things. 

Friday, January 8, 2016

Fall Protection Equipments & Height Safety

Fall is the major cause of serious accidents at construction sites. Besides construction industry, fall also occurs in different types of works like telecommunications industry, wind turbine industry and a multitude of other sectors. Working at height is one of the most dangerous jobs. Every year hundreds of workers sustain injuries during work. Hence it is necessary to take fall protection steps to ensure safety of workers. Fall protection is one of the safety measures at construction sites. Construction safety related to fall protection includes an evaluation of the correct methods of access to the heights where the work needs to be done.

It is essential to make full proof plans to prevent serious accidents. All fall protection plans must be prepared and approved by a qualified person and also re-approved by a qualified person if anything in the protection plan changes. Fall arrest system provides safety to workers against serious accidents. Fall arrest systems fall into the active category when this requires awareness on the part of the user. In this type, the worker is expected to wear necessary protective clothing, use safety harness, and then attach this particular harness to certain anchor points or safety lines.

There are several types of fall arrest system like passive system and active system. But the workers who are associated with height works must know how to use these equipments and ensure safety at workplace. A proper training is necessary for all workers engaged in these types of works.