Thursday, September 17, 2015

Fall Arrest System to Ensure Safety

To ensure safety of workers, it is necessary to install fall arrest systems at construction sites. These equipments are available in the market in different shapes and sizes. There are numerous devices which help safe-guarding the workers working over heighted and sensitive locations of the building, where the risks of the fall are high. Out of these, one of the used fall arrest system is safety harness. This system consist of a variety of equipment ranging from harnesses to full body harnesses, from safety nets around construction areas to guard rails on scaffolding and edges of buildings.

As for fall protection equipment like snug harnesses, these will be equipment that will keep your workers from falling no matter where they are on the rooftop or the construction area. There are available solutions and products that can be purchased from your local hardware store. These tools for fall protection are very cost-efficient and suitable for any type of roofing material. 

Fall arrest systems fall into the active category when this requires awareness on the part of the user. Passive fall arrest systems are those that do not require user awareness for it to be effective. In such setup, handrails, guardrails, barriers, platforms, scaffolding protection, roof edge protection and ladder stabilizing mechanisms are applied. It is not only the construction industry that relies on fall protection systems. The oil and gas and power generation industries also depend on fall protection systems. There is indeed on-going research by manufacturers to better improve the quality of fall protection systems. 

Buying the best fall arrest system is not a guarantee that accidents will not occur since equipment is merely one part of the picture. Getting management and worker involvement is also necessary and the only way to ensure this is to give both parties lectures on height safety and fall safety systems.
Netting systems are a perfect solution for tall building construction projects to protect the workers below from falling debris along with providing active solutions for preventing fall hazards of the workers working at heights. They are available in varied shapes, sizes and come with the complete installations tools like brackets, cables, etc. Prevention is the way you can achieve safety and security for your workers. Fall arrest systems and corresponding lectures are not a one-shot deal as you will need to update equipment and train employees yearly so long as your company exists.  Simple fall protection equipment that isn't really expensive will keep your workers from injuring themselves or killing themselves in case of a fall.

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